Either you are going for a trip to your favorite park, going hiking or planning a trip to the beach, you need a hammock to relax. The best way to tie your hammock to a tree at your favorite spot is to do it with ropes. It can be a daunting and challenging task, and you can end up entangling all the cords or tying the hammock in the wrong way. You may fall and hurt yourself if you tie it improperly. The best way to avoid any such trouble is to know how to tie a hammock with trees accurately. Do not worry; we are here to solve this problem for you.
In this article, we will walk you through how to tie your hammock to trees and how you can avoid all sorts of troubles. We will also highlight some of the ways through which you can increase the age of your hammock and use it for more extended periods.
Let’s get down to business!
How to Tie your Hammock to a Tree
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Selecting the best Spot and Trees
When you are going to tie your hammock, make sure that you choose a peaceful spot, has a lot of grass around (if you are in a garden) and there is ample space for your family or friends to sit around you and have fun. If you are out camping, remember to select a spot where no wild animals can hunt you down. You should also try to choose a place where there are fewer chances of getting struck from lightning. Though it is unavoidable, it is better to take precautions against every odd whatsoever.
Selecting trees is also very important. You do not end up falling when a powerful wind blows, or a storm starts to build up. Do not tie your hammock with old, dead or shabby looking trees. Always fasten your hammock to sturdy and strongly erected trees that can withstand storms and powerful winds. Big trees can carry your weight, and if your partner wants to have a romantic chat with you, they can withstand his or her pressure as well.
Tying the Knot
When it comes to tying the knot to the trees you have selected, experts recommend two methods to tie the knot. We will discuss each of the ways in detail below.
Method 1: Bowline Hitch
A bowline hitch is an important and most practical way to tie a hammock to a tree. It is not only useful for tying hammocks; you can also utilize this knot in a lot of other situations as well. Following steps will walk you through the process of making a bowline hitch.
Making the Loop – The first step is to make the loop. You can do this by holding the loop in your dominant hand. The loop should be large enough for your fist to pass through it quickly. Remember to leave enough rope at the other end to give it 3-4 wraps around the hammock’s anchors.
Wrapping around the Tree – Now you should wrap the loop around your selected tree for 3-4 times. Do it while keeping the loop in your dominant hand. Make sure that there is no looseness in the wraps and you pass the rope through anchors after each wrap around the bark of the tree. This ensures that the hammock stays at the desired height.
The Loop and the Free End – if you are wondering what to do with the free end of the rope, here is your answer. You have to pass it through the loop in your dominant hand. You must have ample length of rope to work with. If there is not enough rope, you must start over to avoid any inconvenience later on.
Tightening up the Knot – Now pull the end under the extended strand and then pass it back through the loop. After this, the two strands will no longer be parallel, and the short end of the rope will point towards the anchor. Now pull the rope tightly to complete the process of bowline hitch. Congratulations! You are just one step away to complete the tying of your hammock at one side.
Attaching the Hammock – To attach your hammock with the just tied knot, you need a carabiner. Your hammock can either have ropes or loops to hold the carabiner. Both of the options are good enough.
Method 2: Taut-Line Hitch
You can either use a bowline hitch at the other end as well, or you can use a taut line hitch at the other end. The choice is yours. We recommend that you use a rigid line hitch at the other end so that you can adjust the height of your hammock later on. Taut-line hitches are also handy in other fields as well. They can be used to hang ropes for drying clothes. Following steps will guide you through the process of tying a taut-line hitch.
Wrapping – The first step is to wrap the rope around the tree for 2-3 times. Remember to leave at least 2 feet of ropes at the working end to tie the knot in next steps.
Making Loops – The next step is to make loops. You can do this by crossing the end of the rope over the long strand. Make three loops and thread the loops around the long strand, so that get enclosed in a big loop. When you are done with making loops, the shorter rope must point towards the anchor and not towards your body.
Adjusting the Short End – Now you must pull the short end of the rope down parallel to the long strand. The shorter strand should be on your left side, and the longer strand should be on your right-hand side.
Making a “Q” – By passing the end under the extended strand and then up through the lower loop, you will be able to make a “Q” shape with the rope. This part of the rope should be closer to you than the three loops you made in the second step.
Tightening up the Knot – Now pull the rope to tighten up the knot. Make sure that it slides up and down quickly, so you can adjust the height of your hammock later on.
Attaching the Hammock – You can repeat the same process here you did with the bowline hitch. This will tie up your hammock at the other end as well.
Precautions to Take while Tying the Knots
You should keep the following precautions in mind while working.
- You should work securely instead of being quick.
- You should try all the knots at least 3-4 times before actually tying the hammock and make sure that you know the process well. We do not want you to fall from the hammock.
- Your rope should have the minimum capacity of carrying 300-450 kilograms of weight. You can get high-quality ropes for sporting goods stores or hardware accessories shops.
- If your anchor is wide, you may need the help of another person to pass the rope through it. If you are a solo campaigner, select a hammock with a small anchor.
- You must get high-quality clips to hold the ropes and loops of your hammocks together.
- A bowline hitch at one end and a taut-line hitch at the other end will help you in adjusting the height of your hammock. If after a couple of hours, your hammock slides down with your weight, you can adjust the height by adjusting the taut-line hitch.
- When you are done with all the process, remember to double check the strength of the knots by just sitting on your hammock for a few seconds before going all out on it.
Take care of your Hammock
Things like hammocks are not purchased now and then. You must take care of them properly, so you can rely on the following tips to increase the age of your hammock.
- Avoid sharp and pointy things while using your hammock
- Do not smoke while resting on your hammock
- Just cut the loose threads with scissors or cutters, do not pull them by hand
- Take special care of suspension loops or ropes
- Store your hammock folded and in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and insects
- Dry your wet hammocks before folding them and storing them
- Always follow all the user instructions printed on the brochures that come with hammocks
We are sure that you are now in a position to tie up your hammock in the most professional way and enjoy good times on your picnics. We recommend that you try tying up the knots 3-4 times before actually tying the hammock with trees and sleeping or resting on it.